Service that contributes to your success
In addition to bringing powder products to the market, we are dedicated to service that contributes to your success by getting the order to your door quickly and right on time. Even if our usual rapid and reliable delivery is not sufficient for the demands of your operation, we are always ready to meet you half-way by setting up a dedicated line for your power in your plant.
Our Strategic Runways
Our business
We are producing powder coatings for industrial needs. Powder coating is a superior finish hundreds of products you come in daily contact have. It makes products durable, attractive, scratch-resistant and long-lasting, giving better result for less money. Powder coating is a high-quality finish which is environmentally friendly.
Our mission
Our mission is to provide customers with outstanding value through quality products at affordable prices.
Our values

Cost-effective products
We target the best possible value per applied square meter

Our formulations provide high performance technology

Agile & lean
Our service is fully customized with dependable, rapid delivery
Our practices
Quality & control
A comprehensive 3-staged quality control system of the production process ensures the compliance with ISO 9001 QMS. Primatek products are also GSB and Qualicoat certified.
Joint solutions
Working in a duet with our customers allows accurate identifying technical requirements and specifically developed samples to maintain the highest possible quality throughout.
First-class work environment
A top notch professional, safe, and enjoyable work environment directly influences on the ability of creating necessary friendly and effective vibes for the benefit of our partners and customers.
Planet care
Following Environment Product Declarations (EPD) and registering under ISO 14025 documents about the lifecycle environmental impact of our coatings, we give our credits to the highest human-being duty: caring about mother nature.
Benefits of Powder Coatings
Main benefits of using Powder Coating technology versus other conventional coating methods
Powder Coating reduces operational costs as it can be recycled & reused.
Powder Coating technology is inherently eco with zero lead and VOC levels.
Powder Coating technology provides excellent corrosion and UV-protection.
Provides exceptional performance at thinner films
Covers more square meters per kilogram
Is more robust for application, edge coverage and Faraday cage penetration
Meets or exceeds whatever standard is needed